Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Bling your birdhouse (the challenge continues)

Wow who would of thought it would be such a challenge to just find a birdhouse to use for this challenge let alone decorate it, actually I wanted two for what I had planned. Well after looking at Spotlight, Overflow, and 2 Bunnings stores I have so far come up with these -The large one is a tissue box and the small one is a money box, I have a couple of ideas in mind so hopefully it will all come together, luckly I know my way around Pauls power tools (I have actually used Pauls dropsaw more often than he has!), because I will have to use them.

Thanks to Natasha for your helpful comments on where to get some houses.



Natasha Burns said...

No worries! The ones you found are cute - I especially like the money box one!

Deb said...

What great little birdhouses you found to put your creativity into! This sounds like a fun "challenge".

Jessica said...


kari and kijsa said...

Shhhh...today is the SURPRISE BLOGGY BIRTHDAY PARTY for Kari's 40th birthday...hop on over for a little cake, diet coke, and birthday cheer!!!


Gail McCormack said...

Looking forward to seeing the end result, what fun!

Beth Leintz said...

Those are great looking birdhouse- I haven't seen anything like them around here.

I'm guessing that the "birdhouse season" in Australia is coming to an end, but here in the US, with spring just around the corner, we're just heading into it.