Monday, 15 September 2008

Gardening, Gardening and some more Gardening

Have a guess what we did on the weekend. When the boys were younger Paul and I use to work on the yard every weekend, landscaping, building, concreting we are no professionals but we are proud of what we have been able to accomplish on our own. But the last 3 or 4 years the boys have been doing a lot of weekend sport and the yard and gardens are starting to show the lack of attention.

I love the lichen on this small tree.

We decided that this Summer the boys were not going to do any weekend sport so that we can spend more time at home on the yard, and that is what we did on Saturday 4 huge loads of green waste to the dump later we managed to clear out down one side of the backyard. I love living on an acre but every job always seems to be on a grand scale. Now we have only the front yard to do, which will take 2 - 3 weekends approx.

I did manage to find while cleaning up 6 tennis balls, 3 footballs, 1 baseball, 1 cricket ball, numerous golf balls, a ping pong ball and numerous other small toys that the boys grew out of a long time ago, thankfully we didn't find any snakes although we had a scare but it was only a lizard.

The only problem is with all this clearing out is that we discovered that one neighbours yard is even messier than what ours was. I hope to get up to the local markets maybe next weekend and get some native tube stock to fill in the holes left in between the shrubs to block some of their yard. I have found that due to the drought the only thing worth putting in the garden now are natives otherwise you spend too much time watering and pulling out dead plants.

Oh it wasn't all gardening on Sunday we did get to go to a football breakup, yeah. LOL more sport. I hope you like the photos in between of what is left of our garden.



Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Linda! Hmmm, I know what you mean about the garden getting no attention. Between water restrictions and adopting a dog that is actually a canine garden bulldozer (%@$#@$@!) our gardens need a remodel. SIGH! Why won't someone nominate me for Domestic Blitz or something?! Tee! Hee! Hee! Guess we'll just have to do it ourselves! It's on this week's agenda, as GB is on hols. Hopefully progress will be made! Have fun! Oh, giggled at the comment you left me too!! Bear Hugs! KRIS (Tag Along Teddies)

Rosy Inspiration said...

Hi, Linda,
Sometimes gardening just has to wait while we attend to the more important things in life, eh? I do that all the time, I have to neglect my garden sometimes.

Marja Kristiina said...

Hi Linda! I, too, totally have to neglect my garden at times. I suppose with families, friends, jobs, hobbies and whatnot we pretty much just only, ever, do what we can :-)

Isn't it fabulous diversity how over here we're getting ready for the bitter cold and snow-filled winter months ahead and you're about to enjoy a lovely spring!

Cathy said...

Hi Linda,

Thank you so much for your kind words on my Country Victorian article. It means so much to me to know that I have touched so many people's hearts.

xo Cathy said...

See it is finally Spring and nothing to do with my toes!!! You garden work sounds as major as mine. You are right it is a good feeling when done! Rachaelxo

Ragged Roses said...

That's something I really must do, my garden really needs a good tidy up! Well done you!

Deb said...

The lichen on the tree pic is great! What treasures you found during your garden clean up :-)

S said...

Beautiful pics of your garden Linda!

Gail McCormack said...

Hi Linda
Isn't that funny, the same thing has happened with us, I used to love being out in the garden when the kids where little, they are grown up now and our garden is sadly neglected, I do feel bad about it, I don't think the drought has helped either, anything I plant and don't hand water dies, survival of the fittest in our garden at the moment, funny how things change isn't it

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda,
Gardening hmm not my deal! You sound like you really enjoyed it, I suppose it's very calming!! Funny about finding all the balls etc! Bet the boys didnt even know they were missing!!
Glad you had a great weekend!!

Louise said...

After many losses in my garden, I now just tend to reproduce the plants which I know do well. My garden has been neglected just of late, if only there were more hours in the day. x