I hope that everyone had a wonderful New Years, mine was very quiet didn't even make it till 12 but did spend it with family up at the beautiful sunshine coast.
Although I am happy for the New Year which I view as a clean slate, I am a little worried about what the New Year may hold. Although Australia is doing well compared to a lot of countries in the current economic crisis we don't know what the future holds. Normally I wouldn't be so worried about this sort of thing, but now being a business owner of a very quickly expending business you tend to listen a little more closely to these things. So I am hoping that the doom and gloom and hard times that they tend to dwell upon on the TV is all greatly exaggerated and that it will work out in the end.
Anyway enough doom and gloom, 2008 for my family was one of many highlights and not too many downs (thankfully). Paul and I had always said that we will never own a truck too much money and worry involved and it so much easier to work for someone else. But when a business opportunity can up November 2007 it was too good to knock back and we are glad that we did. It has been a step learning curve but one worth doing.
We have now expanded from owing an old 1996 model
Kenworth truck and trailer to now owning two brand new
Kenworth 's and having an employee. It all has happened so quickly it was mainly over Christmas time when both trucks were at home did it really sink in that they were ours, we know that the first years are always the hardest but we are looking to the future and hopefully growing the business for our sons future.

Sorry for waffling on so much but this being New Years Day I am thinking about what my priorities are for the next year. Of cause my family is number 1, but number 2 is defiantly the business and trying to learn as much as possible. How different my priorities are compared to last years resolutions which of cause never got done, the story of my life.
So I hope that everyone has a wonderful and exciting year this year with not too many down times. Till next time.
P.S I have decided to join in on the One World one Heart Giveaway this year 19th January. I entered many draws last year, didn't win any :( but that really isn't the point because I found so many wonderful creative blogs from all over the world, my 50th post is coming up and my blog 1st Anniversary so I thought I would combine the lot and have a giveaway. Now I just have to work out what to make. If you want more info on this event there is a link on my sidebar.