Louise from Beachys Cape Cod Cupboard is hosting her 3rd craft challenge today. The rules are simple. Create ANYTHING you want, using ANY MEDIUM, with the above photo simply titled "Whitby 1935". Take pictures of your finished artwork and post it on your blog on Monday, March 31st, for all of Blogland to see! Of cause don't forget to leave a message with Louise so that she knows that you are joining in.
I did a little bit of research before I started this project. This is what I managed to find out about "Whitby".
Whitby is a historic town in North Yorkshire on the north-east coast of England. Nowadays it is a fishing port and tourist destination. It is situated 47 miles from York, at the mouth of the River Esk and spreads up the steep sides of the narrow valley carved out by the river's course. At this point the coast curves round, so the town faces more north than east.
Many interesting fossils have been found in the Whitby area including entire skeletons of pterodactyls. Whitby is known for its well preserved ammonite fossils, which can sometimes be found on the seashore, or purchased from any number of stalls or shops in town.

So now the time has come to reveal what I have made for this challenge, Ta Dah
Now this was not an easy one, I know roughly what I wanted to make, but the creative juices were just not flowing. I finally managed to get the look just right yesterday.
When I looked at the picture I saw beach, friendship, family and happy times. I found this poem on the Internet that seemed to say it all.
Time is But a
Grain of Sand
Time is but a grain of sand
Falling from a beach's ledge
But with each tiny grain
Our lives are slipping away
Slowly but surely we're all
Going to lose things and people
Feelings and dreams will fade
Memories will grow and relationships
Will build, ruin or fade away
Time will weather our bodies
But we have a choice to let it weather
Our minds and hearts.
In the end you get what you give
So give with all your heart
Live laugh and love
Dance what you feel and
Sing for the same
Cause in the end all that matters
Is what you believe in
So stand tall and reach out
Stand firm and even if you're alone
Stay with what you believe.
No body's created equal
Everyone wishes they could change
But very few people do.
Friendships are there for a reason
And so is the love of another
Use these to keep yourself together
And when you feel like breaking down
Remember of the people that are there
The people you love and who love you in return
Because these are the people who are true
And the only ones who truly matter.
Thanks Kirsty for the wonderful poem.
I hope you like what I have created, now I'm off to see what everyone else has come up with.

Oh Linda you know what? I completely forgot all about this challenge. See i am just soooo blonde sometimes LOL.
But i love what you did with it and wow you even researched! Good on you. That poem is great too.
have a lovely week sweetpea
LINDA! Oh my gosh! What a brilliant idea! And the poem is just perfect! Thank you for participating! I'm having such a great time looking at everyones' work that I already can't wait for the next one!!!
Linda, what a beautiful layout and the poem fits so well. that is so lovely.
I really enjoy seeing how everyone has approached Beachys craft challenge and your is no exception.
Lovely creation.. how original!!
That is beautiful! What a wonderful poem!
Hi...came from Louise's!
I'm not doing the challenge, just oohing and ahhing all the beautiful artwork! You are all so creative!
Now I'm in birdland admiring your gorgeous houses!
Anything beach and I'm there :)
Wonderful presentation, fantastic idea…
Love the addition of the poem…
Wonderful, nothing wrong with your creative juices:) Also love you bird cage in the previous post:) Rachael
What an incredible project! You are truly creative!
Have a blessed day!
smiles, kari & kijsa
Wow that poem is a wonderful find and additon to the craft challenge.
Beachy's CapeCod Cupboard has lots of friends who make these challenges an amazing adventure.
I just love the way all of you researched the town the photo was made in. How very ingenious!!! Love your rendition of the challenge!!! Very pretty!!
Hi Linda,
Thank you for stopping by my blog today to see my craft challenge entry. I love what you did, making the clock is SO nice.
Lynne Laura
Hello from the Islands of aloha
This is such a wonderful thoughtful project. I enjoy your research and the design.
Beautiful idea!!! The combination of these elements is perfect.
this is sooo darling
I love the poem and the timepiece
you are so creative!!
I love what you created with your craft challenge photo and the poem is perfect. How exciting that your budgies have nested - I would love to see photos of baby budgies when they hatch if possible Linda. We watched a documentary a few months ago about budgies in Australia and it was fascinating.
Hi Linda,
Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm glad we have many things in common; this is one of the reasons I love blogging so much, it's a great way to meet people we wouldn't otherwise!
I love you clock project!!
I'll be back to visit soon and I hope you'll visit me again.
Take care,
Hey Linda! What a great way to put the photo into a craft project! Old photos often give a sense of 'time passing' and you've combined it brilliantly with the clock and poem - you clever chook, you! So much for creative juices not flowing!!! Bear Hugs! KRIS (Tag Along Teddies)
Linda, i love what you did with the challenge, very original:) thanks for agreeing to play with me on tuesday...see you then!!!
oh my goodness Linda! Love what you've made, how did you ever think of it?!!! Fab idea, it turned out amazing and the poem is perfect!
Hey Linda! Just a quick note to let you know your adopted 'bearbie' is heading your way after hitching a lift with Australia Post today. She's a friendly little bear and I'm sure you'll enjoy each other's company and even up the 'girl:boy' odds a little! Tee! Hee! Hee! Bear Hugs! KRIS (Tag Along Teddies)
Oh Linda, you did a beautiful job on this!!! WOW!!!!
Hi Linda,
I think there is nothing wrong with your creative juices - that piece is stunning. Well done.
Hi Linda, It's listed you go girl two other lady's are dying to get there hands on it run....lol
Now i'm going to read your post, and I'll be back to comment.
Hi me again,
Not fair I missed this challenge, you did a beautiful job and the poem is a delightful touch.
Also thank-you for visiting today!
Chat soon!
Ps. Bring your trailer around here to my place...LOL
What beautiful work. Regards from Sapain
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