We are well and truly into Autumn/Winter weather now not my favourite time of year I'm a bit of a sook when it comes to the cold I wouldn't mind so much if it snowed, then we would at least have something to show for it. These are some of the plants in flower in my garden this time of year.
Snowflake, I love these so easy to look after and when you plant many together it looks like snow.
Camellias, one of my favourites, I actually have 15 of these in a variety of colours not all are in flower yet.
Cactus Flower, (I think that's what it i called) love this colour.
The baby budgies are still going strong keeping both Mum and Dad busy.
Now I have been tag by Marja to answer the following 5 questions about myself, never one to disappoint I thought that I would get onto it straight away.
1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
I had a 3 year old a 16 month old and I was approx 3 months pregnant with number three, oh and did I mention at the time I also worked two part-time jobs, on the weekend at Telebet and a couple of days a week at the family wholesale floorcoverings business. Don't ask me where I found the energy I'm tired just thinking about it, no wonder those years are a bit of a blur.
2. Five things on my to do list?
1. Finish painting youngest sons room.
2. Finish my parasol and paper swap.
3. Do up my craft room.
4. Clean out my linnen cupboard
5. Finish mulching the gardens
3. Snacks I enjoy?
Depending on my mood, sometimes something sweet like chocolate (I love white chocolate) or sometimes something savoury, really does depend on my mood at the time.
4. Things I would do if I were a millionaire?
Renovate! I don't think that I could ever move from here too many wonderful memories and it is just a wonderful place to live, but I would love to pay someone to finish all of the projects that I have rattling round in my head.
Weekend Retreat! I would love a really really big property with just a log cabin and a large shed to house the boys dirt bikes and etc that they would undoubtedly own if we were millionaires.
Travel the world starting with Graceland of cause.
Charity I would love to help out a charity that doesn't get much publicity something local maybe.
5. Places I have lived?
Brisbane and now just north of Brisbane (don't get around much do I)
Ok so I have to tag 5 people -
Deb @ Posted from Home (I managed to get her first for once LOL)
Kris @ Tag along Teddies (Always makes me laugh every post)
Kirstie @ Adeline Country Cottage (fellow bling bling birdhouse extraordinaire)
Linda @ Lilly Cottage (co-owner of 2 gorgeous shops which I still have to visit, soon I promise)
Bek @ Beks Shabby Chic (maker of beautiful faux cupcakes, cakes, biscuits and sugar cubes)
Now I had better get to bed and catch some beauty sleep since I will wake a whole year older tomorrow.
Hope you all have a wonderful week.

Hello Linda
Thanks for the tag :-} I enjoyed reading your list. Your garden is looking lovely. I don't have Camellias in my garden - what a beautiful plant (love the colour). HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow :-}
That was wonderful, Linda! It's always so nice to hear/learn more about people. Take care!
Hey Linda! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LINDA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Hope you have a wonderful day and get to do lots of fun stuff with lots of fun people. And if you don't - I think you should treat yourself to a coffee shop stop for something sinfully wicked while reading a craft magazine!!! Will work on the tag next time I post - as soon as I remember what I was doing 10 years ago, since I have trouble remembering what I did yesterday!!! Bear Hugs! KRIS (Tag Along Teddies)
Hi Linda,
Happy Birthday.....hope you have a wonderful day, may all your wishes come true.
Thank for tagging me this is my first, Yeah....I'll get on that later today.
Hope youve had a gorgeous day sweetpea! Did you get brekkie in bed and treated like a queen? i hope so.
Now that 'things to do' list of yours..are you sure you didnt pop over to my house and peek at mine...because i swear i have them on my list too! LOL, great minds think alike hey. Oh and the sweet and savoury thing..i totally getcha on that too :)
Have a beautiful weekend wont you. Enjoy the um..drizzle.
Shann xo
Hi Linda,
Thank you for stopping by.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! I hope you were spoilt. It is certainly wonderful to finally see some rain. Have a fabulous weekend.
Deb :)
I know this was probably a while ago...but your Bling birdhouses are
M ^..^
I hope you had a lovely birthday. Thanks for the tag it was fun, I enjoyed reading your. I did not realise you were so close to me. We should arganise to meet sometime.
Hello! Lovely to find out more about you. I;m a fellow chochoholic too! Have a good weekend
Happy Birthday to you! Loved your post!
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
smiles, kari & kijsa
Happy Birthday Linda - hope your day was full of wonderful surprises.
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