Karen from a Scrapbook of Inspiration tagged me a couple of weeks ago to do a 10 things I love about blogging tag. So here goes -

1. Inspiration - I love looking through the photos on peoples blogs, the craft, home decorating and gardens are all such wonderful inspiration.
2. Friends that get you - The number of times that I have read something on someones blog and I have said to myself oh I do that.
3. Information - I love the way people love to share ideas and techniques that they have learnt along the way.
4. Challenges - Craft challenges, loove these and especially since there is always a finish date that has to be adhered to, so I can't leave anything unfinished.
5. Shopping - I have had so much fun buying bits and pieces off of friends like the ones below, I never use to buy much before on the internet because I didn't like the idea of not knowing who I was dealing with, but I love being able to say to my boys and husband so and so from so and so made this isn't she clever! Below are some of the things I have bought from the very talented girls out there.
This is beautiful Belle she came from Kris at Tag along Teddies
This lovely Spring basket came from Natasha at Artistic Creations by Natasha Burns
These sweet cupcakes came from Shannon at Paint Mine Pink
and the too cute sugared hearts and sugar cubes came from Bek at Beks Shabby Chic.
All these ladies are so sweet and so talented it was such a pleasure dealing with them.
6. Education - I love the way you can learn about the way other people live in different countries, different traditions, housing, climate conditions and even wildlife etc.
7. Feedback - I so loove to get comments, maybe because blogging is still only new to me, but I love the positive comments that I get about my craft and decorating it warms my heart and boosts my confidence.
8. Out of My Comfort Zone - I like the way I am sometimes challenged, there are so many talented artist and crafters out in blogland, I have never sold anything only ever made things for myself or close friends and family but I even signed up for my first swap this week.

9. Diary - I always wanted to keep a diary a couple of years I even started but normally never got any further then March, with my blog though I feel like I have to keep posting so as not to disappoint anyone.
10. Finishing - My projects that I have been putting off around the house so that I can A to Z them.
When I started this blog I was only ever going to put positive and beautiful things on here, but after last weekend I just wanted to vent a little, so if you don't want to hear me whinging and complaining look away right now........... I was looking forwarded to a long weekend but on Sunday on the way to my oldest sons football game a P plate driver decided that the give way rule didn't apply to her and thought that our car would look a lot better without the front end. Luckily everyone is Ok my two oldest boys have whiplash that will require further treatment but we're all ok. Paul and I have never been involved in an accident before luckily and it was not even at high speed or anything we were just driving along minding our own business then all of a sudden there was a black car in front of us it was really scary so please everybody be careful out there on them mean roads. (Oh and she was charged on the spot for failure to give way, a witness said that she didn't even brake or slow down.)
Sorry no more whinging, I hope that everyone has a wonderful week.
Thankyou for the sweet comment on my blog.:)))
yours is VERY pretty!!!!
Hi Linda
Thank goodness you are all ok! I hope your boys are doing well.
I enjoyed reading your "10 things I love about blogging" tag.
I love your thoughts on why you like to blog. I am sorry that you were in an accident. My daughter Sarah was recently in one, and it is so disruptive in so many ways. I am glad that it wasn't any worse, but it is difficult. Karen
Oh my goodness gracious. What a lovely blog you have going on. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I to love getting comments. Glad you guys came out of the car incident ok, Love what you did with that old photo!! Laurie
OH no how horrible about the car accident! It really can shake you up can't it. We had a crash once where the other car just didn't stop at all at the stop sign, it is scary. That other car happened to be a police car, boy was constable in trouble with senior sargeant that day. Hopefully your P plater will learn from this that they aren't invincible.
On a happy note I love your list and you do say it so well
Hey Linda! Ooooh! I recognise a beary little friend!! She looks very much at home amongst your gorgeous china! Not good to hear about your bingle! The drivers in Toowoomba are SO bad that we frequently declare it "Official Bad Driver Day"! In fact, today was the latest one - I followed 3 different vehicles that just couldn't make up their mind which lane they wanted to drive in, so they drove down the handy white line!!! Pretty sure a lot of licenses come from cornflake boxes!! Hope all recover soon! Bear Hugs! KRIS (Tag Along Teddies)
Hi Linda,
This was a great post! Blogland is very inspirational! I too love blogging.
So glad that everyone is ok! How scary to be in an accident!!
Hi sweet Linda!
It was nice reading and learning about yourself and why you like to blog. Thanks for sharing your thoughts... Blogging is not only fun and liberating (we liberate our selves by expressing our feelings), but is also relaxing and comforting… so many people we hardly know offering words of compassion, words that uplift our spirits when we most need it is a blessing...
This quote, form Amanda Bradley, is how I feel when I see you and many other friends I've never seen, at my house in the roses: Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!
Have a great day,
You hit on just about every reason blogging is great. What fun!
Thank goodness everyone is ok! Scary stuff! I also enjoyed reading about why you love to blog :)
Have a great weekend.
Hi Linda :) Thanks for visiting me and leaving a comment. I love all the lovely things you purchased on line, just watch out it can get addicting *giggle*. I think I buy more online now than I do offline.
And your first swap, well good for you. I have only done one and it was great, I was so afraid to get involved before that. Now I am just going into my second swap.
Sorry about the scary business on the road, you just never know and it is worse when you have the kids with you.
OH, I totally agree! Blogging is wonderful---that's how I met you. Thanks for stopping by, and commenting on my blog. Have a safe weekend.
I agree with everything you say Linda, us bloggers are very much alike. I couldn't do without my blogs now, I have made so many friends, it is great. I am really sorry to hear about your accident, even though you are OK, you are undoubtly shaken up by the whole experience. What an earth was she thinking of. x
Happy Mothers Day Linda.
Hey Linda,
I just love reading your Blog Sweetie!! all your shopping purchases look great!!
have a lovely day today sweetie!!
Happy Mother's Day! Hope you had a wonderful day with your family.
kari & kijsa
Hi Linda,
Bad news about the bingle. Hope you are all feeling ok now. At least your 'P' plater didn't getaway.
I always enjoy reading your posts.
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