Wednesday 9 January 2008

New Years Resolutions

I though that maybe if I shout my resolution list out loud (to everyone in blog land) I might actually attempt to start and finish my list. So here it is -

1. To declutter my house. I try to keep it reasonably clear on the outside but its in the draws and cupboards where the mess is hidden. (please tell me that I am not the only one who throws the mess into a cupboard when friends are coming over)

2. To be more organized. I am a list person I write a list for everything as if by writing it down on paper will magically get it done. The problem is the lists are normally never done.

3. To lose weight. I think that this is one that most people put on their list isn't it? The problem is the weight situation is starting to get out of control and since my husband has just lost 20kg and is looking good maybe I had better do something about my weight.

That's the list lets hope that I actually get this one done.

Wish me luck


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